Cloud Telephony

With our Cloud Telephony as a Service (CTaaS) offerings, we provide a flexible and scalable communication solutions to meet the ever evolving needs of your customers. We offer scalability, flexibility & mobility to your business while easily being able to accommodate it’s growth.

Our cloud-based telephony solutions are user-friendly, and administrative tasks such as adding or removing phone lines, configuring settings, and monitoring call activity can be easily managed through an intuitive web-based interface.

  • Toll Free Number : Gain brand reputation & more calls that are free for customers to reach.
  • Missed Call Service : Run multiple missed call campaigns & get connected with customer at no cost.
  • Voice Broadcasting : Convey voice messages to the huge audience – effectively & effortlessly.
  • IVR : Interactive voice response to handle calls with reduced human dependency.
  • Virtual Number : Affordable mobile number for business, designed to simplify campaign tracking.

Stay Connected from Anywhere, Anytime!


Upgrade Your Business Communication


Flexible and Scalable


User friendly solution


Easy to manage


IVR & automated call routing


Reporting and analytics


CRM integration and multi channel communication

Stay Connected from Anywhere, Anytime!